Staying Relevant In The Post Corona Era: A Shift In Social Consciousness

Arabdha Sudhir
Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2020


Here we are. Confined to our desks, looking out across the window to tell the weather, occasionally checking the numbers of today, browsing through the new pop-ups, distracting ourselves with Covid19 memes, getting the absolutely unavoidable checked off the list, checking on friends and family, learning..or trying to learn a new skill, getting self-done (often cringe-worthy) haircuts, appreciating the calm of Netflixing and binge eating to beat the quarantine. On the upside, we now wave to that slightly weird but cute family, who stays next door, understand that we are in this together and experience human resilience like never before.

A few weeks back, our worlds were set and sane. We woke up, went through the regular grind of the day, embraced our routines with all their oddities, walked back to regular life, listened to our Spotify playlists, met a friend or two — if time permitted and went back to repeat the cycle.

The upside? We had a free and a pretty great life, let's face it!

The downside? We probably didn't have the time to think, rethink, change ..or often appreciate it. One definite thing that was not on most of our minds through our waking existence was ‘society’ and how we integrated into it overall. A small, more noble, percentage of us cared about the everyday impact, of course. But most of us were lost to the grind.

Then came ‘Covid19’ and it managed to disrupt our routines, lives, businesses, jobs and the entire world as we knew it. It's virtually impossible to escape the historic aftermath of this and the pandemic of the crisis. But let’s take a minute to discuss the sea of uncertain change this is creating in human behavior.

  1. Empathy: There’s nothing like seeing the infinite potential of human empathy in the midst of the largest crisis the world has seen. We are conscious and we care — we call, text, Glovo and check up on our friends. We are not out on the roads — to be safe, but also to make sure others are.
  2. Positivity: This too shall pass. We have lost people and been witnesses to stories of gory human struggle and yet we know that this too shall pass!
  3. Togetherness: Never before — have we experienced the concept of society on a scale as massive as this. We are lighting lights to fight the change and out on our balconies cheering each other for another day of being healthy and alive! We know, at the end of the day, we are in this together!
  4. A Consciousness Shift Towards Impact: Now has been a great time to understand that each of our actions counts. We salute the healthcare professional defiantly working despite the risks they embrace, applaud the neighbors creating homemade masks for our community and the governments trying to enforce every measure to protect their own, despite the impact this has on the economy. And somewhere, in the process, we have started thinking about how can we help co-create this society back up again?
  5. Gratefulness: Grateful to have the lives we do and for the safety of the people we love. We reflect on all the greatness around and are thankful. And if you still haven’t started on that gratefulness journal, no time like right now!

This is the closest our generation has come to a worldwide war, albeit a different kind of war — a Bio War. This time, we have the entirety of humanity fighting this on the same side.

Yes — this is unprecedented but change calls for action. And this is not just any change! This is an upheaval of the society — imploring the world to come together and join this massive shift of consciousness thrust upon us. Its time to act- not just for our own motives, but as a society to value and protect what we have. It time to co-create the wave of good that permeates and amplifies. Its time to act, in order to impact!



Arabdha Sudhir

Marketer, Engineer, Entrepreneur, Artist — in constant quest of all things novel